Learn Hindi Online Joyfully

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Learn Hindi
with native people
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Our program comprises conversations with native Hindi speakers from India. Learn correct pronunciation, slangs and everyday talks.

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Learn Hindi
one step at time
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We've divided our program into 5 levels based on your proficiency with Hindi from absolute beginners to fluent level.

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Learn to speak Hindi
from Day 1
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We kept our lesson in order of high frequency to low frequency to have maximum use of what you learned from day 1.

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Learn Hindi
with unique 4 Line system
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All our lessons and conversation with native people are produced with 4 lines to give you complete knowledge from each frame.

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Learn Hindi
with native people
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Our program comprises conversations with native Hindi speakers from India. Learn correct pronunciation, slangs and everyday talks.

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Learn Hindi
with native people
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Our program comprises conversations with native Hindi speakers from India. Learn correct pronunciation, slangs and everyday talks.

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How we teach

Learn Hindi in a Innovative Way

Langistan teaches you Hindi in an innovative way using the most frequently used words and phrases which the localities use in their dialect and speaking. Not all the words and phrases are used by the native speakers in their everyday life.

Learn Hindi using 4L

We teach you Hindi using 4 L as you learn from real-time conversations and simultaneously help you with word formations, sentences and vocabulary of how the people speak so you can start having conversations and get the pronunciation perfect.

New Method of teaching Hindi

Langistan teaches Hindi in a modern and interesting way with real people, leaving behind the traditional method of learning Hindi through blackboards, textbooks, and books. We not only teach our language, but we also connect you to our culture and traditions.

What we have for learning Hindi

A00 – Good things to know

One of the official languages which India uses is Hindi. Did you know that the nation speaks 22 different languages? The south of India has its own regional languages, which include Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada, while the North of India primarily speaks Hindi. After Mandarin, English, and Spanish, Hindi is the fourth most spoken language in the world with 800 million speakers. So let’s get started with your Hindi journey!

A01 – Start learning Hindi Here

Let’s begin your Hindi learning with strategic planning, starting with something that is very frequent and then following up with less frequent a) words b) phrases c) grammar skills, soon you will be able to read, write, speak, listen & more. This is the first course of Langistan, designed in such a way that you will be able to do a lot of things by just learning these top most frequent words, phrases, sentences and questions in the Hindi language

A02 – Hindi Foundation 101

Learn to talk about who you are, where you are from, and what you do to lay the foundation for Hindi. You will learn how to answer questions in Hindi with a yes or no and how to join sentences using adverbs. You will also learn how to utilize pronouns like he, she, and them as well as prepositions and conjunctions. Gain knowledge of the most popular Hindi words, tum, aap, and tu. Use verbs in sentences having imperative verb tenses and in the present, past, and future


B02 – Hindi Slangs 101

“Slangs are an integral part of learning a new language in a country like India where a large number of people are young, it will become easy for you to interact with them in Hindi using slang. In this course, we will discuss slangs that are used in our daily life among college and school-going kids and working adults. Join now to impress everyone by learning the most popular slang in India. ”

B03 – Reading Hindi from Streets of India

Here, the streets feature signboards that make it simpler for us to locate a store or a public area when walking outside. You may read a sign that lists a men’s and women’s restroom, an alcohol store, a dairy store, a sweets store, a caution sign, a thank-you sign, and garden names. Recognize the signs on trash cans, warning signs, police stations, building sites, and yoga studios. For example, at well-known tourist destinations like the Taj Mahal in Agra and Amber Fort in Rajasthan, there are sign boards that are put up for tourists.

Hindi you already know

What if I say, you already know 700+ words & vocabulary of the Hindi language? you are subscribed to learn Hindi through English with us. I am so excited to tell you that you already know 500+ words and phrases in Hindi and with given a few tricks you will be empowered with another 200+ words and phrases you can start using while speaking with your friends, spouse, and family, relatives in India who speak Hindi.


C02 – Learn Hindi for Indian Kitchen Mastery

Indian cuisine is colourful, elegant, and utterly delectable. Its distinct flavour depends on a wide range of herbs, spices, and grains. Indian cuisine is widely acknowledged to be vibrant, elegant, and simply irresistible. Understanding and learning the names of essential ingredients like salt, water, sugar, and vegetables like onions and potatoes is vital. India has a rich, vibrant, fragrant, savory, and likeable feast.

Learn to Talk about your work in Hindi

As an adult, we are all passionate about something for you, isn’t it? Try to introduce yourself, speak fluent Hindi about your work and profession, describe your aspirations and professional goals, and surprise an individual by talking about your work life and making them fascinated by your unique chosen profession.

Learn to Talk about yourself in Hindi

You are the only one who knows yourself the best. Everyone around you has different things to tell you about, but only you know your true self. Everyone is different, and when you describe yourself, you are talking about your own unique personality. So lets see some videos of our Indian friends and with the help of this, you will be able to describe yourself in Hindi soon!


Multi functional Tools of Hindi

What if we tell you that learning even a single Hindi word can have its multiple uses? So let’s learn to use the magical Hindi words Wala, wale, and wali and discover how to use them in conversations in a wide range of situations such as associating two different items, requesting prices, recognising materials, pointing towards any object, and talking about it. Converse about situations that include sight, taste, smell, feel, and what you hear and many more.

Learn Hindi Pronunciation – 101 – Science of Speaking of Hindi

While you had an academic version of writing each letter, conjuncts, words, phrases, sentences and many other things, and understood how to read or pronounce all of it, you might have not clearly seen the science behind it, the tongue position, mouth orientation of each letter or combination of letters, in this course, we will share with you all hidden techniques behind letters and tips to pronounce them, you will see close animation for the right method.

The Hindi Vocabulary Show

Understand how to use pronouns like I, Us, and numeral suffixes in conversation and daily life. Know when to use pronouns like “I,” “us,” and “number suffixes” in speech and everyday situations. Considering that these are the most often used words in everyday speech and situations. The most frequently discussed subjects when paying for transportation or making purchases for our worldly requirements are numbers. In both Hindi grammar and communication, suffixes are important.


Coming soon……



The podcast is a great new way to learn a new language. Langistan will soon provide an interactive podcast. stay toon 


Learn to read words and sentences in Hindi. With our engaging and friendly method of interactive learning, Reading the sentences will give your mind something to work on and immerse yourself in reading Devanagari as you travel to India through words.


You can learn to write Hindi words and sentences with Langistan. Visual retention and repetition of words will help you in your learning and eliminate language barriers as you recall the words and sentences while reading, pronunciation and writing.


Stay inside the four corners of your home without traveling to a new country. Listening to a word being spoken makes the mind remember words, song lyrics, and sentences. For example, when listening to the Hindi word khoobsurat, the word is spelled in both Hindi and English, breaking down the pronunciation for the learners.


Langistan creates videos that make you think in the language you are learning. We make sure you start thinking in Hindi in the language you are learning. Creating small conversations will boost your confidence as you learn to have easy and smaller conversations smoothly.


10 tips to improve your hindi vocabulary

10 Tips to improve your Hindi vocabulary in 2023

How much do you love to play with words? This whole article would be a summation of the word game. However, when it’s about conveying a message, it’s essential to have appropriate hindi vocabulary knowledge. Understanding the vocabulary words according to the dictionary and using them in your daily life is effective while you speak or write. It’s like building an exciting story with bricks of vocabulary.
how to fluent in any language

How to be fluent in any language

As a new language learner, striving for fluency in the language you are learning is natural. However, defining fluency can differ from person to person, so it gets complicated. For example, someone could make ample grammatical errors while speaking confidently; however, the other would fumble even after being well-versed in the language. So, fluency purely depends from person to person. But, ideally, fluency is all about communicating what you feel and being comfortable about the mistakes you make.
why should you learn new language

6 Reasons why you should learn a new language?

There are many reasons why learning a new language can be a valuable and rewarding experience. Being proficient in multiple languages can improve your memory and cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving and critical thinking. Learning a new language can also be a great way to immerse yourself in new cultures and better understand the perspectives of others.


What we have for learning Hindi

A00 – Good things to know

One of the official languages which India uses is Hindi. Did you know that the nation speaks 22 different languages? The south of India has its own regional languages, which include Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada, while the North of India primarily speaks Hindi. After Mandarin, English, and Spanish, Hindi is the fourth most spoken language in the world with 800 million speakers. So let’s get started with your Hindi journey!

A01 – Start learning Hindi Here

Let’s begin your Hindi learning with strategic planning, starting with something that is very frequent and then following up with less frequent a) words b) phrases c) grammar skills, soon you will be able to read, write, speak, listen & more. This is the first course of Langistan, designed in such a way that you will be able to do a lot of things by just learning these top most frequent words, phrases, sentences and questions in the Hindi language

A02 – Hindi Foundation 101

Learn to talk about who you are, where you are from, and what you do to lay the foundation for Hindi. You will learn how to answer questions in Hindi with a yes or no and how to join sentences using adverbs. You will also learn how to utilize pronouns like he, she, and them as well as prepositions and conjunctions. Gain knowledge of the most popular Hindi words, tum, aap, and tu. Use verbs in sentences having imperative verb tenses and in the present, past, and future


B02 – Hindi Slangs 101

“Slangs are an integral part of learning a new language in a country like India where a large number of people are young, it will become easy for you to interact with them in Hindi using slang. In this course, we will discuss slangs that are used in our daily life among college and school-going kids and working adults. Join now to impress everyone by learning the most popular slang in India. ”

B03 – Reading Hindi from Streets of India

Here, the streets feature signboards that make it simpler for us to locate a store or a public area when walking outside. You may read a sign that lists a men’s and women’s restroom, an alcohol store, a dairy store, a sweets store, a caution sign, a thank-you sign, and garden names. Recognize the signs on trash cans, warning signs, police stations, building sites, and yoga studios. For example, at well-known tourist destinations like the Taj Mahal in Agra and Amber Fort in Rajasthan, there are sign boards that are put up for tourists.

Hindi you already know

What if I say, you already know 700+ words & vocabulary of the Hindi language? you are subscribed to learn Hindi through English with us. I am so excited to tell you that you already know 500+ words and phrases in Hindi and with given a few tricks you will be empowered with another 200+ words and phrases you can start using while speaking with your friends, spouse, and family, relatives in India who speak Hindi.


C02 – Learn Hindi for Indian Kitchen Mastery

Indian cuisine is colourful, elegant, and utterly delectable. Its distinct flavour depends on a wide range of herbs, spices, and grains. Indian cuisine is widely acknowledged to be vibrant, elegant, and simply irresistible. Understanding and learning the names of essential ingredients like salt, water, sugar, and vegetables like onions and potatoes is vital. India has a rich, vibrant, fragrant, savory, and likeable feast.

Learn to Talk about your work in Hindi

As an adult, we are all passionate about something for you, isn’t it? Try to introduce yourself, speak fluent Hindi about your work and profession, describe your aspirations and professional goals, and surprise an individual by talking about your work life and making them fascinated by your unique chosen profession.

Learn to Talk about yourself in Hindi

You are the only one who knows yourself the best. Everyone around you has different things to tell you about, but only you know your true self. Everyone is different, and when you describe yourself, you are talking about your own unique personality. So lets see some videos of our Indian friends and with the help of this, you will be able to describe yourself in Hindi soon!


Multi functional Tools of Hindi

What if we tell you that learning even a single Hindi word can have its multiple uses? So let’s learn to use the magical Hindi words Wala, wale, and wali and discover how to use them in conversations in a wide range of situations such as associating two different items, requesting prices, recognising materials, pointing towards any object, and talking about it. Converse about situations that include sight, taste, smell, feel, and what you hear and many more.

Learn Hindi Pronunciation – 101 – Science of Speaking of Hindi

While you had an academic version of writing each letter, conjuncts, words, phrases, sentences and many other things, and understood how to read or pronounce all of it, you might have not clearly seen the science behind it, the tongue position, mouth orientation of each letter or combination of letters, in this course, we will share with you all hidden techniques behind letters and tips to pronounce them, you will see close animation for the right method.

The Hindi Vocabulary Show

Understand how to use pronouns like I, Us, and numeral suffixes in conversation and daily life. Know when to use pronouns like “I,” “us,” and “number suffixes” in speech and everyday situations. Considering that these are the most often used words in everyday speech and situations. The most frequently discussed subjects when paying for transportation or making purchases for our worldly requirements are numbers. In both Hindi grammar and communication, suffixes are important.


Coming soon……



Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum.



Learn to read words and sentences in Hindi. With our engaging and friendly method of interactive learning, Reading the sentences will give your mind something to work on and immerse yourself in reading Devanagari as you travel to India through words.


You can learn to write Hindi words and sentences with Langistan. Visual retention and repetition of words will help you in your learning and eliminate language barriers as you recall the words and sentences while reading, pronunciation and writing.


Stay inside the four corners of your home without traveling to a new country. Listening to a word being spoken makes the mind remember words, song lyrics, and sentences. For example, when listening to the Hindi word khoobsurat, the word is spelled in both Hindi and English, breaking down the pronunciation for the learners.


Langistan creates videos that make you think in the language you are learning. We make sure you start thinking in Hindi in the language you are learning. Creating small conversations will boost your confidence as you learn to have easy and smaller conversations smoothly.


10 tips to improve your hindi vocabulary

10 Tips to improve your Hindi vocabulary in 2023

How much do you love to play with words? This whole article would be a summation of the word game. However, when it’s about conveying a message, it’s essential to have appropriate hindi vocabulary knowledge. Understanding the vocabulary words according to the dictionary and using them in your daily life is effective while you speak or write. It’s like building an exciting story with bricks of vocabulary.
how to fluent in any language

How to be fluent in any language

As a new language learner, striving for fluency in the language you are learning is natural. However, defining fluency can differ from person to person, so it gets complicated. For example, someone could make ample grammatical errors while speaking confidently; however, the other would fumble even after being well-versed in the language. So, fluency purely depends from person to person. But, ideally, fluency is all about communicating what you feel and being comfortable about the mistakes you make.
why should you learn new language

6 Reasons why you should learn a new language?

There are many reasons why learning a new language can be a valuable and rewarding experience. Being proficient in multiple languages can improve your memory and cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving and critical thinking. Learning a new language can also be a great way to immerse yourself in new cultures and better understand the perspectives of others.


Parrots Law

Langistan uses Pareto’s 80/20 rule in their language learning, creating a unique language learning experience for all our learners. We focus on the most frequently used words and phrases while you practice and learn your target language, enabling you to learn the pronouns, nouns and grammatical structures, aiming for a general understanding of Hindi. Make Hindi practice fun and learn with us. We teach what is used most first. 80% of the time, we use only 20% of the words, phrases, and grammar rules of a language.

Parrots Law

Langistan uses Pareto’s 80/20 rule in their language learning, creating a unique language learning experience for all our learners. We focus on the most frequently used words and phrases while you practice and learn your target language, enabling you to learn the pronouns, nouns and grammatical structures, aiming for a general understanding of Hindi. Make Hindi practice fun and learn with us. We teach what is used most first. 80% of the time, we use only 20% of the words, phrases, and grammar rules of a language.



Interactive learning

Langistan has prepared 1000 plus and above videos through our professional native language teachers for different levels of learning. We have about 3,000 plus interactive videos for practice, reading, writing, speaking and listening. You can track your progress, wins and concepts you missed out and also work on the areas you require learning and practice.
Engage in lively conversations with the natives with Langistan’s unique 4 Line method and learn maximum and quickly in one go.


Space Repetition System

We use the spaced-repetition system in your language learning and add Hindi learning to your regular schedule. Study on your way to university or work. Scheduling your practice lessons will make your Hindi learning enjoyable and regular. Keep track of the lessons you have learned and completed in your last chapter, as you give yourself an ample amount of time to learn everything quickly. From time to time, go back to the chapters you have learned earlier from time to time and review them on a regular basis.


About us


Langistan is very passionate about creating content that is easy to understand, entertaining, and relevant to every generation.

Langistan has a team of talented developers who are committed to bringing the newest technology to our learners.

Langistan is a volunteer-driven language learning program. Our volunteers are native language speakers who are committed to guiding you on your language-learning journey. 


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast


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  • 1000+ Video Lessons
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