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10 tips to improve your hindi vocabulary

10 Tips to improve your Hindi vocabulary in 2023

It is easier to communicate with your brain if you have enough words.

How much do you love to play with words? This whole article would be a summation of the word game. However, when it’s about conveying a message, it’s essential to have appropriate hindi vocabulary knowledge. Understanding the vocabulary words according to the dictionary and using them in your daily life is effective while you speak or write. It’s like building an exciting story with bricks of vocabulary. 

Let’s explore 10 tips to improve your vocabulary

Reading books for improve vacabulary

Reading books

Reading books is an excellent way to expand your vocabulary and increase your knowledge of the most commonly used words. This is because reading provides a comprehensive list of word frequencies that can be used to reinforce your understanding of the language. When you read, you learn new vocabulary in its proper context, surrounded by other relevant words and phrases. This allows you to understand better the meaning and usage of the words you are learning, making them more likely to stick in your memory. Additionally, reading books exposes you to various writing styles and subjects, providing a diverse range of vocabulary that can be applied to different situations. Overall, reading is essential for anyone looking to improve their language skills and expand their vocabulary.

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Keep a Hindi vocabulary journal

Maintaining a Hindi vocabulary journal has been proven to be an effective method for both acquiring and retaining new words. This is because a vocabulary journal allows you to document all of the new words and phrases you come across on a daily basis, whether they were encountered while reading, playing word games, or in casual conversation. By keeping a record of these words, you can refer back to them later, review their meanings, and practice using them in sentences, making it more likely that you will remember them. Additionally, a Hindi vocabulary journal is a great way to track your progress and see how much your vocabulary has grown over time. You can identify patterns in the types of words you encounter and focus on learning words from specific areas of vocabulary that you might struggle with. Furthermore, it’s a great way to have a record of your language-learning journey, which can be both motivating and inspiring.

Use new words in conversation 

The principle of “use it or lose it” applies to our memory of words, particularly when they are newly learned. If you acquire new words but don’t use them, you may forget their meanings. To improve your Hindi vocabulary, it’s essential to make a deliberate effort to incorporate new words into your conversations, writing, and thinking. At first, the sound of these new words may seem unnatural or out of place, but if you use them correctly, you will gradually become more confident and comfortable using them fluently.

Watch the video with subtitles

Watching video content with subtitles is a great way to expand your vocabulary. Not only will you come across new words, but the visual representation of the words will also aid in memorization. Seeing the words written on the screen while hearing them spoken can provide a strong sensory connection that can help to embed the words in your memory. Furthermore, subtitles allow you to follow along with the conversation, making it easier to understand the context in which the words are used. This way you can learn how to use the new words in a sentence and how they are used in a different context. Additionally, by watching videos with subtitles, you can also improve your listening and comprehension skills, which are important for understanding spoken Hindi. Overall, watching video content with subtitles can be a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their Hindi vocabulary and language skills.

listen to podcast

​Listen to podcast

Listening to podcasts is a great way to improve your vocabulary and language skills while completing everyday tasks. Podcasts are easily accessible and can be listened to anytime, anywhere, making them a convenient option for busy individuals who want to make the most of their time. With the wide variety of podcasts available on different topics, you can choose to listen to a podcast that aligns with your interests and passions. This way, not only you are improving your language skills but also gaining knowledge about the field of your interest. Additionally, it can help improve your listening and comprehension skills and is a great way to get used to the natural flow of spoken Hindi. So listening to podcasts is a convenient and effective way to improve your Hindi vocabulary and language skills.

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Play crosswords 

Crossword is the best way that can enhance your language-learning process. Crossword is designed to challenge your knowledge of words and can be an enjoyable way to strengthen your vocabulary. By playing such games, you are presented with a variety of words and are required to use them in different ways, which can help to reinforce your understanding of the meanings and usage of those words.

Use “word of the day” Apps/Feeds 

There are various web platforms available that offer a service to help individuals expand their Hindi vocabulary by providing them with a new word each day. This can be done through a variety of ways such as a website, mobile application, or even email. By receiving a new word each day, individuals can keep track of the new words they have learned and add them to their own personal list of words. This can be a useful tool for those who wish to improve their language skills and expand their vocabulary. Additionally, this service is often free and easy to use, making it accessible to anyone who wishes to improve their language abilities.

hindi vocabulary show

Look up Words You Don’t Know

As you read, it is not uncommon to come across words that are unfamiliar to you. These words can often be confusing and can impede your understanding of the text. However, instead of simply glancing over them and moving on, it is important to take the time to look up the meaning of these words. This can help you to expand your vocabulary and improve your comprehension of the text. If you don’t have the time to look up the meaning of the word right away, you can write it down and look it up later. This is an effective way to keep track of unfamiliar words and to ensure that you have the opportunity to learn their meanings at a later time.

Read the dictionary

Actively seeking out unfamiliar words and reading entries for them in a high-quality dictionary is an effective way to expand your vocabulary and improve your understanding of words. By looking for a dictionary that provides in-depth explanations of the origins and uses of words, you will be more likely to remember the word, enjoy using your dictionary, and make the most of your study time.

word associations

Creating associations between words can help with recall and long-term memory retention. This can include forming mental images, making connections to related words, or creating mnemonic devices such as the sequence you mentioned (tiny, small, medium, large, giant, gargantuan) to associate the word “gargantuan” with a sense of scale. It’s also helpful to use the word in context, and to review it regularly.

These are 10 tricks will surely improve your vocabulary by many folds but it requires efforts from your side. These trick on only effective if you remain discipline & consistent with it. If you like these video then subscribe to our newsletters.  

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